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Everything yoghurt

Spring | Summer | Valle Isarco | Climbing

Made in South Tyrol for South Tyrol

Delicious Sterzing yoghurt

From grass to glass – that’s the method and the motto of the Sterzing Yoghurt Days at the Sterzing dairy.

The Sterzing Yoghurt Days are an annual and much-loved tradition in South Tyrol. This July you can once again take part in exciting tours of the dairy, where you will get a behind-the-scenes look on what really goes into the yoghurt production. Discover how it all begins on the alpine meadows, and how the milk is transformed into creamy yoghurt, thanks to expert and meticulous work. The milk used to make Sterzing yoghurt comes from mountain farms around the dairy as well as from the northern Wipptal and the Stubaital in Austria. In short: a quick transport route ensures only the freshest milk, and it’s processed within 24 hours. The informative tour of the Sterzing dairy lasts approximately 45 minutes and culminates in a yoghurt tasting. Please note that the tour passes through some cold rooms, so you may want to bring a jacket or warm clothing.

But it’s not just dairy tours and tastings that are part of the Sterzing Yoghurt Days; hikes, walks, and musical performances also accompany the festivities, creating a great experience for everyone.

On a side note, the Sterzing dairy has a very long and interesting history: The cooperative was founded in 1884 as a cornerstone for the professional processing of dairy products. In contrast to warmer areas such as southern South Tyrol or Val Venosta/Vinschgau, the colder climate in the north of South Tyrol did not allow for fruit crops or wine production, therefore the industrious farmers concentrated on milk processing. The first office was opened in 1928 in order to better supply the Sterzing population with dairy products. Over the years, the dairy continued to grow until yoghurt production began in 1976. The Sterzing Yoghurt Days began their annual festivities in 1999 and have been an extremely popular event ever since. We’re looking forward to giving you more information and event tips during your stay, and don’t forget to include the Sterzing Yoghurt Days in your July holiday plans!

The Ausserhofer family
Kinderparadies Alpin ***s

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