Autumn | South Tyrol | Tip for families
Your mission: a home for hedgehogs
Here’s how you can help.
At this time of year, certain animals are busy getting ready to hibernate and sleep the winter away – including hedgehogs.
Hedgehogs tend to start their winter sleep, or hibernation, in mid-November, and it lasts until around March or April (with some little breaks). The little button-eyed forest and field dwellers especially like to spend the winter in fluffy piles of leaves where they can stay nice and warm and hide away from predators. But these piles of leaves that offer them protection are now often cleared away, especially in parks and gardens, meaning the little hedgehogs have nowhere to spend the winter. You can help by building a little cave out of pieces of wood or bricks and lining it with leaves and twigs. A hedgehog will soon come along, have a sniff around, and make it into its lovely home for the winter. Don’t forget that hedgehogs belong outside in nature. You should never bring them inside to let them hibernate there. At our ski accommodation in the Dolomites, we’ve got even more tips for how to enjoy the late-autumn days or winter to the fullest. Why not pay us a visit?
The Wachtler family
Post Alpina – Family Mountain Chalets